The heartwarming family adventure, PAW Patrol: The Mighty Movie, is set to bring excitement to households across the nation as it becomes available for digital purchase on October 31, 2023. Families will have the opportunity to embark on an epic journey with their beloved pups, as they tackle new challenges with newfound superpowers. Just in time for the holiday season, the film will also make its Blu-ray and DVD debut on December 12, 2023.
The film follows the beloved PAW Patrol pups as they take on thrilling new adventures while showcasing the valuable lesson that even the smallest pup can make the biggest difference.
For fans who can’t get enough of their favorite heroic pups, purchasing the film on Digital, Blu-ray, or DVD will be a treat, offering an array of bonus content to extend the excitement. This bonus material will provide an exclusive look at the team’s incredible superpowers, their all-new super-suits, and their mighty upgraded vehicles, all presented by none other than Skye herself. Audiences will also have the chance to go behind the scenes and hear from the talented actors who bring these beloved characters to life.
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Bonus Content Highlights:
PAW-Somely Mighty Pups – Join Skye, voiced by McKenna Grace, as she unveils the extraordinary superpowers bestowed upon the pups by the mystical crystals. Explore the team’s impressive new super-suits and the mighty upgrades to their vehicles.
A Totally PAW-Some Cast – Meet the incredible young talents behind the voices of Chase, Skye, Liberty, and the Jr. Patrol pups, and get to know the actors who breathe life into reporter Sam Stringer and the villainous Victoria Vance.
Fans can also look forward to a 2-movie collection featuring PAW Patrol: The Mighty Movie and its predecessor, PAW Patrol: The Movie™, available for digital purchase.
When a magical meteor crashes in Adventure City, it grants the PAW Patrol pups extraordinary superpowers, transforming them into the Mighty Pups. However, their most formidable challenge arises when their arch-nemesis, Humdinger, escapes from jail and forms an unholy alliance with the mad scientist Victoria Vance, both hell-bent on stealing the superpowers for their sinister purposes. With the fate of Adventure City hanging in the balance, the Mighty Pups must spring into action and thwart the supervillains before it’s too late.
PAW Patrol: The Mighty Movie promises to be an unforgettable cinematic experience, perfect for families seeking heartwarming entertainment and thrilling adventures. Don’t miss out on the action-packed magic when it arrives in the comfort of your own home this October 31, with Blu-ray and DVD options for gift-giving just in time for the holidays on December 12, 2023.