Disney Animation’s latest animated short Us Again, is a beautiful example of storytelling through movement and sound. This film, available now on Disney+, is written and directed by Zack Parrish. He was the head animator on Big Hero 6 and director of Disney Animation’s Short Circuit and Puddles. He joined forces with an amazing creative team that included award-winning choreographers and dancers Keone and Mari Madrid. Also, acclaimed composer Pinar Toprak, who worked on Marvel Studios’ Captain Marvel. As well as Producer Brad Simonsen and executive producer Jennifer Lee.
This is a story about an elderly couple that is looking back at their younger days. The wife looks at their life’s memories with joy and embraces their stage of life. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for her husband. He has a pessimistic point of view about their old age. Reminiscing about the past as something lost. What is beautiful about this short is that the entire story is told without dialogue. Us Again is set to an original funk and soul musical score reminiscent of the mid-60s. The dance moves, vibrant backdrop, and emotional sound allow viewers to understand the journey that these two characters are going through.
Here is the synopsis for Disney Animation’s Us Again:
Set in a vibrant city pulsating with rhythm and movement, an elderly man and his young-at-heart wife rekindle their youthful passion for life and each other on one magical night. The years fade away as the joy of dancing propels them across the exciting cityscape of their youth and revives fond memories and ambitions.
With it’s release, LRM Online’s Emmanuel Gomez chatted with composer Pinar Toprak and producer Brad Simonsen about their work on Us Again. It’s a fascinating conversation about the importance of music in this film and in our lives. We find out how Toprak confronted the challenge of storytelling through music and dance. As well as the importance of the cityscape that is the setting of our story. You can check it out below!
Disney Animation’s Us Again is available now on Disney+.