
Portal Interview: Talking Ghost Hunters And New Projects With Ryan Merriman

Recently I had the chance to talk to Ryan Merriman. His upcoming horror film, Portal follows an intrepid group of ghost hunters that may have bit off more than they could chew. Like any good horror movie there’s a price to pay for fooling with the dark side. Read on to find out what Ryan enjoyed most about the supernatural production of Portal.

LRM: Starting off, without spoiling too much, can you tell me about your role in Portal?

Ryan: Yeah, my character, it’s so fun, because I watch tons of shows like the Ghost Seekers where they

go to these old cemeteries, civil war cemeteries. So, they go and they hear a sound or a creak or door moves or they ask questions with their readers and all their devices. I always watched that stuff and I just loved it. So that’s what I loved about this character is it was a real person playing a character in a movie. So, he was always one person in front of the camera and then another when the cameras weren’t rolling. And then of course we’re looking for something and it’s fun and it’s kind of funny and it doesn’t take itself too seriously. And then, things started happening and it turns real.

LRM: Wow. Okay. Thanks for that answer.

Ryan: Yeah, of course.

LRM: Cool. Well, next question here. How’d you get attached to the project?

Ryan: I was actually approached by the producer Chris Surge, Surgey. He had approached, and then the director Dean called me, kind of explained the premise and the shoot schedule and the camera equipment and how he wanted to look. And I said, “Heck yeah, let’s do it.”

LRM: Awesome. Great. Now what was your favorite part of the production?

Ryan: Probably. I mean, the cast was amazing. We all just got along so well. Jamie Tisdale and, oh my gosh, I never call him by his real name, Mike Walter. But yeah maybe it was the cast, right. Because we were, we were doing all night shoots. So, you’re literally, you’re waking up at 5:30 in the afternoon and you’re going to work at six and you’re working through the night until six, seven in the morning. So, the cast was all kind of, we all kind of just, we’re on this wild ride together. And then, being in that environment whenever you’re working through the nights and into the wee hours of the morning, you really bond, you get to see people’s true colors because everybody’s tired, you know?

LRM: Do you have a favorite superhero?

Ryan: Okay. Favorite superhero I would have to go with, I mean I have to go with Wolverine.

LRM: Nice. That’s definitely a good answer.

Ryan: Yeah.

LRM: How about a favorite horror movie?

Ryan: Favorite horror movie? Well, I’d have to go back to when I was a kid, man. Scared the shit out of me because I was a kid. But the Leprechaun.

LRM: Yeah?

Ryan: Yeah, that’s old school. The original, not all the remakes. The original. The OG with Jennifer Aniston.

RELATED – Portal Review: Ghost Hunters Go Too Far In This Horror Tale | ShriekFest 2019

LRM: Yeah, that’s a classic. That’s a good answer. Now, can you tell the readers at LRM where and when they can check out Portal?

Ryan: I mean it’s streaming on all sorts of different streaming platforms right now.

LRM: And, where can the readers connect with you at on a social media?

Ryan: So, the only thing I really do is Instagram. So @theRyanMerriman. Obviously, the blue check mark. I don’t do Facebook or anything else or Twitter really anymore. I just do Instagram. And then obviously, I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of Vimeo?

LRM: Yeah I have. Are you on there?

Ryan: Where you can record videos for your fans and stuff. I’ve been doing that and I love it. That’s so much fun. Yeah, I probably do 10 Vimeos a week.

LRM: Wow. Okay, that’s great. We’ll definitely point the readers here at LRM over to your social media.

Ryan: I appreciate it, man.

LRM: Thanks. Anything else you want the readers at LRM Online to know?

Ryan: So what is today? I think it’s the 27th on UPtv. I got kind of a fun, it makes fun of all the Christmas movies, like the hallmark movies.

LRM: Tell me about it.

Ryan: It’s called a Christmas Movie Christmas and it’s like you know how everything’s perfect in a hallmark movie?

LRM: Right.

Ryan: So it’s kind of a little parody on that. And then I’ve got another film called Sunny Daze, D. A. Z. E. It’s a really good inspirational kind of someone struggling with something and it kind of comes through on the other end.

LRM: Really? Okay.

Ryan: Good friend of mine, Jason Wiles, directed it, actor as well.

LRM: Nice. Nice. All right, well we’ll definitely make sure the readers check those out. Is there anything else that you want to say to them before I let you go?

Ryan: Yeah, just the film is a fun look into a different kind of horror film, you know? Because we were actually following this crew, searching for ghost and then we actually uncover some real things. So, it’s a lot of fun. It’s funny and it’s scary. It’s just a good sit down, popcorn, kind of have fun and be a little scared at the same time movie.

LRM: Awesome. That sounds great. Thanks again for the interview.

Ryan: Yeah, man.

LRM: Have a good day, Ryan. Thanks again.

Ryan: All right. You too. Bye.

Be sure to check out Portal on VOD and DVD when it releases later this year.

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