The movie hasn’t even come out yet, but it’s already become clear that there is one scene that will stand out greatly in Ralph Breaks the Internet. You know exactly what scene I’m talking about. The one that’s been in all the marketing. The ones that they’ve shown most in all their trailers. We’re talking about the scene where Vanellope runs into the Disney Princess dressing room.
We’ve all seen a good chunk of what’s to come. Throughout their conversations, there are countless references to the plights of the princesses in their respective films — with a heavy dose of modern sensibilities thrown in for good measure. It’s an obvious scene-stealer, and we can’t help but wonder how they came about it.
At a press day a few months back LRM had a chance to attend, writer Pamela Ribon discussed exactly how that came about:
“When I was first talking with Ralph team, we were still in early discussion on what the sequel could be. It was around that time when I was wondering, ‘Why isn’t Vanellope canon [ as a Disney Princess]? She’s a princess — well, she’s a president, but I believe a gal can have more than one title — and that was just in the back of my mind.”
“And when we started working on the movie in early 2016 when I came on, this is when we knew wanted a scene that was meta. Because we were talking about all the parts of the internet, you’ve gotta do something meta, and wouldn’t’ be fun to have Disney kind of poking fun at itself a little bit? There was a version where Vanellope was going to go viral. We thought if she met all the Disney princesses and took a selfie with them, that may break the internet.”
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So while that dressing room scene is what eventually came about, it all seemed to stem with the idea of Vanellope taking a selfie with the princesses and “breaking the internet” in the process. In the second trailer for the film, we see these selfies, which is pretty cool, since early ideas tend to get thrown to the wayside as the story develops — especially at Disney or Pixar. To see one survive as long as this did is quite impressive indeed.
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