Ray Fisher Says He’s Not Leaving His Cyborg Role, Despite The Rumors You May Have Heard

Gotta love rumors. Quite often, they end up actually having at least kernels of truth, but they also have a tendency to be completely unfounded. Such is the case with this most recent rumor surrounding Justice League star Ray Fisher.

Not sure where this rumor started (we certainly didn’t report it), but apparently, some rumors were spreading that Ray Fisher was nearing the end of his run as good ol’ Cyborg — and just after playing it once (I don’t count that Batman v Superman cameo)! But Fisher saw fit to address this rumor on Twitter, denying outright, saying:

“I don’t usually engage the rumor-mill, but it’s recent turn may be worth a little grist: I am NOT, nor do I have ANY intention of, leaving Cyborg. Furthermore, if/when the time comes for me to hangup my all-too-revealing mocap onesie, you will hear it from me directly. #BORGLIFE”

RELATED – Cyborg Film Still On For 2020?

Hey, this is good news from me. Yes, Justice League had plenty of issues, but the cast — including Fisher — wasn’t one of them. We don’t really know what the future holds for the character. I personally have my doubts about a standalone Cyborg movie, but I could see him taking on a Hulk-like role in the future, where he’s more secondary to another bigger character, but we’ll have to wait and see.

What do you think of Fisher’s comments? Had you heard about this rumor? Let us know down below!

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SOURCE: Ray Fisher

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