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Ridley Scott Thinks He’s ‘Too Dangerous’ To Take On Star Wars

I think deep down, I feel like we all know the way Marvel and Lucasfilm have been doing their films is a bit odd. The old tried-and-true way to do it would be either to get a filmmaker who has slowly risen in the budgetary ranks for the past decade, but instead the studios are all too happy to pluck someone up from indie film obscurity, give them $150 million, and surround them with the best and most experienced people.

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It’s a bit counterintuitive, has the potential for disaster, but has served the studios well (mostly, at least). One filmmaker who doesn’t think this to be a sensible approach is experienced director Ridley Scott. When asked by Vulture whether or not he’d ever helm a Star Wars flick, Scott said:

“No, no. I’m too dangerous for that. Because I know what I’m doing. I think they like to be in control, and I like to be in control myself. When you get a guy who’s done a low-budget movie and you suddenly give him $180 million, it makes no sense whatsoever. It’s f**kin’ stupid. You know what the reshoots cost? Millions! Millions. You can get me for my fee, which is heavy, but I’ll be under budget and on time. This is where experience does matter, it’s as simple as that! It can make you dull as dishwater, but if you’re really experienced and you know what you’re doing, it’s f**king essential. Grow into it, little by little. Start low-budget, get a little bit bigger, maybe after $20 million, you can go to $80. But don’t suddenly go to $160.”

Clearly, Scott isn’t one to mince words, but that’s not to say he’s wrong, or completely right. As mentioned above, it is pretty counterintuitive, but Marvel has managed to make it work incredibly well for them, for better or worse. While it may be great for them, something that is often lost is the steady hand and polish that comes with an experienced helmer. Just look at something like The Martian, and it’s easy to see what Scott means by experience mattering.

What do you think of Scott’s statement? Do you agree with him? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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SOURCE: Vulture

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