Now that Sylvester Stallone has said he is done playing Rocky Balboa, the franchise falls on the shoulders of Michael B. Jordan’s Adonis Creed. The latest movie Creed 2 of course revolved around Adonis taking on the son of Ivan Drago, the Russian who killed his father Apollo in the ring back in Rocky 4. So the death of Apollo in Rocky 4 has become somewhat crucial to the way these movies have progressed.
It is, therefore, a little surprising to find that Stallone regrets killing off Apollo so soon in the franchise, check out the Instagram post by Stallone below.
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I have to say that I completely disagree with Stallone here, I mean, too soon? Apollo had appeared in four total Rocky movies, with two as the antagonist and two as a mentor/friend. The emotion of avenging Apollo was the whole point that drove Rocky 4 on. Not to mention that an alive and well Apollo Creed would have meant no need at all for Rocky on Creed 1 and 2, it would have been Apollo coaching his kid and developing a relationship with his estranged son surely?
So I really don’t get where Stallone is coming from with this statement. Maybe he was just trying to point out what a great actor Carl Weathers was from a boxing perspective and that he would have liked to work with him more than he did. However, from a character motivation perspective, I think Apollo was killed at exactly the right time. We also have to remember that Stallone had no idea where the franchise was going back then. At the time Rocky 4 was possibly going to be the last ever Rocky film. The same thing again with the awful Rocky 5 and then Rocky Balboa. Truthfully if it hadn’t been for a script being written by Ryan Coogler for Creed, then Rocky Balboa may well have been the final movie in this franchise.
Sorry, Mr Stallone, you are entitled to your opinion of course, but I think you are very wrong on this one. I also have to say I rolled my eyes at comments on this post from some fans hoping they bring Apollo back for Creed 3 and that he somehow faked his own death, I mean, really? Thank the maker these people don’t work in the film industry, that’s a sure fire way to destroy the Creed franchise right away and at the same time make a mockery of every Rocky and Creed movie post Apollo’s death.
What do you think of Stallone’s regrets, does he have a point, or are you with me that Creed was killed at exactly the right time? Get ready for 12 rounds of literary boxing below.
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SOURCE: Sylvester Stallone (via Instagram)