
Star Wars: Ahsoka Season 2 Casting Rumors Point to Baylan Recast And Abeloth | Barside Buzz

Some Star Wars Barside Buzz casting rumors for Ahsoka Season 2 point to a Baylan recast and Abeloth. The information comes from Daniel RPK on his Patreon service. I’ll point out that RPK‘s hit rate for Star Wars news is not as good as his hit rate for Marvel. However, lately, he’s had a few wins, which cannot be ignored.

RPK says he’s heard Lucasfilm are starting casting for a replacement for Ray Stevenson as Baylan Skoll. As I’m sure you are all sadly aware, Stevenson passed away suddenly and far too soon after completing work on Ahsoka. The character of Baylan is clearly a key role going forward for Season 2, given how the series ended. Therefore, as the old adage goes, the show must go on. A recast for this role I felt was inevitable, so no surprises here.

The second piece of casting news says that Lucasfilm are on the hunt for an actress to play ‘The Mother’. Now, if you know your Mortis God’s lore from The Clone Wars and other media, you know the Mother’s other name is Abeloth. Let’s just say, nasty piece of work and leave it at that.

Many fans have theorized that Ahoska‘s story is moving towards Abeloth and concluding the Mortis arc. Possibly, with some connections to the now deceased Anakin Skywalker, who is now guiding Ahsoka.

Finally, Lucasfilm is apparently casting for another as yet unnamed male villain for Season 2.

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I’ve been quite critical of Ahsoka as a series, and yet there was a lot of good. The casting was good. However, the story felt weak to me and like page 1 of a novel. I know Filoni always does this at the start of a project, a slow start. However it really was slow and convoluted how Ashoka and Sabine get swapped with Ezra and Thrawn.

Baylan, Shin, Ahsoka and Sabine were always more engaging. I was disappointed with almost everything once Thrawn and Ezra showed up. Nothing against the actors, just the dialogue and story was weak for me. Plus Hera and the New Republic idiocy felt like trying to make the Sequels make sense, rather than telling its own story.

I hope Ahsoka Season 2 is just those four mentioned above. Focused solely on that story, We can pick up Hera. Ezra and Thrawn’s story in either another series, or the upcoming Mandalorian and Grogu movie.

What do you think as casting rumors for Ahsoka Season 2 point to a Baylan recast and Abeloth. Leave any Star Wars thoughts below as always.

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