Warning – This article could contain potential SPOILERS for Star Wars: Episode 9 – Or it could contain a fans crazy ramblings – Only you can decide, but be warned there is a chance this could be real information.
It wasn’t that long ago that we shared some possible leaks from the set of Star Wars: Episode 9. A user on Reddit called Temiriblagg1 claimed to be working as an extra on set and was sharing information they had seen themselves and also what they had heard from colleagues. Now at the time we said there was still a good chance this was all made up, but at the same time no one has yet been able to verify or debunk the information coming from this leaker.
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I, therefore, thought it prudent to share the latest set of leaks that this person has shared yesterday on Reddit. Once again we must stress that we cannot verify this in any way, so decide for yourself how to treat this information, and if you think it’s garbage, then treat it as such. Personally, I have a slight leaning towards this being somewhat legit, problem is that we won’t know for sure till December and by then it’s too late to retract any of this.
Still with me? Ok, let’s make a little list of all the points mentioned by Temiriblagg1 this time.
“Domenic Monaghan’s rebel character is apparently names Arvyl” – (At first this character was not supposed to make it beyond the second act, but now they say he is present in the final act also, so that’s slightly confusing)
“There is a Duros character in the film who has prominence within the resistance”. – (Fans have since predicted if true, this could be Shriv from the Star Wars: Battlefront 2 game.)
“Rose (Kelly Marie Tran) doesn’t seem to have many action scenes, but definitely is in at least one with Finn” – (Well, she’s all about saving what she loves, not killing what she hates now…..Sorry)
“Hux is not involved in the latter of the film, his power as a primary antagonist is diminished” – (This matches with the same leakers report previously that Hux is captured early on in the movie)
“Richard E Grant plays a Tyrannical First Order General” – (Hopefully in a less cheesy way than Domhnall Gleeson)
“The Knights of Ren are certainly in the movie and their screen time is surprisingly lengthy. Matt Smith is said to have bene [sic] on set dressed in dark robes and holding a lightsaber prop.” – (I do wonder how an extra would get a sense of how much screen time The Knights of Ren would have?)
“Kylo Ren has had his helmet re-forged but is more often helmless in the latter half of the movie” – (This matches another leak, but that could be deliberate? And how would an extra know this? It’s not like they get scripts or shoot in order)
“Ben Pilots the Falcon” – (This one is so vague and has probably generated the most questions and discussions by other readers. Young Ben? Ben redeemed? Kylo Ren?)
“Keri Russell is involved with Luke’s storyline.” – (Hmm, the storyline of a dead guy? Who knows at this point?)
“Luke is involved in a flashback scene with Han and Leia wherein Ben is dropped off for training to a younger Luke. An 8 year old Ben was cast and he will have a talk with Luke about wanting to be a Jedi and a guardian of good in the galaxy.” (This one again. I’d have to question how an extra would have this kind of information, this doesn’t appear to be something that would require many extras? Also, we have heard about this previously and it was said to utilize footage shot from The Force Awakens, so again how would an extra be involved in this?)
“Luke has shot scenes with both Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver.” (Would have guessed this)
“Rey Visit’s Tattooine at some point.” (Can’t think why she would but ok?)
“Poe also flies the Falcon at some point alongside Naomi Ackie’s Vera Calrissian.” (This name of Vera Calrissian was first mentioned by the same leaker in their previous report.)
So there you have it, folks. Again, we must stress this is all from one source alone, so it could be someone just making all this up. There are some fans who think it is BS, some on the fence and some convinced this leaker is legit. I guess I’d class myself as on the fence with this one.
One thing that’s for certain is how fans have taken to the idea of a flashback scene where Luke, Leia, and Han all share the screen at the same time. It’s a scene fans have heavily criticized for not happening at all in this trilogy so far. Obviously, with Luke and Han’s characters both dead and the tragic real-life passing of Carrie Fisher, this would be tricky to pull off. If nothing else it shows us the fans still have an appetite for a shot like this, even if it is in flashback form.
What do you think of these supposed leaks, are you excited by anything mentioned here or pegging this is fan fiction? Use the Force and then share your insights in the usual place below.
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SOURCE: Temiriblagg1 (via Reddit)