It’s an argument that never stops on this site. I know plenty of you who illogically put the film below even the atrocious prequels, and while I may disagree until I’m blue in the face, the reality is that it’s a movie that was divisive among fans. The list reasons for fans’ complaints are pretty long, but a lot of them stem back to the film either not doing characters justice or simply not feeling like a Star Wars movie.
In the past, filmmaker J.J. Abrams praised Star Wars: The Last Jedi for being a great film. He doubled down on this praise with The New York Times, saying that the movie was “full of surprises and subversion and all sorts of bold choices.”
But Abrams also had comments on why the movie didn’t work for some.
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“On the other hand,” he added, “it’s a bit of a meta approach to the story. I don’t think that people go to Star Wars to be told, ‘This doesn’t matter.’”
Yeah, I can see where he’s coming from on that. Ask a Star Wars fan what they want in a movie, and they’ll tell you they just want it to be good, but history has proven they’re also very interested in seeing very specific things play out on screen. Things that fall in line with the archetypal storytelling the franchise was founded on. In essence, Star Wars has become a genre, and just how mystery fans expect certain beats in their stories to play out in certain ways, Star Wars fans are largely the same.
Personally, I enjoyed that Rian Johnson was able to craft a story that kept me guessing until the very end. When I thought I knew where it was headed, it would go off in a completely different direction, and personally, that’s some of the most exciting stuff in storytelling.
What do you think of Abrams’ comments? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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