
Star Wars: Jon Favreau Wants To Do A…Holiday Special?

Oh, the Star Wars Holiday Special. It is an event that has gone down in geek infamy. Nothing like caking too much makeup on Mark Hamill, spending way too much time watching an ugly Wookiee kid jump around the house, and spending an awkward amount of time on a dumb cooking show, am I right? Understandably, it’s one train wreck George Lucas wanted nothing to do with, but it’s since found a warm place in all of our hearts.

But what if Lucasfilm tried to capture that awful lightning in a bottle a second time? Is it even possible? And would anyone even want to touch that project with a ten-foot pole? As it turns out, The Mandalorian overseer Jon Favreau is game, as he revealed to E.T.

“I would love to do a Holiday Special. If you want to see a Holiday Special, let Disney+ know.”

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So, what aspects does Favreau actually like about it? Well, unsurprisingly, he likes the one animated short that isn’t half-bad.

“I love The Holiday Special, certain sequences more than others. I love the introduction of Boba Fett and that rifle that he had. That animated piece still holds up. It’s pretty cool. I draw inspiration from that.”

Given that he’s already done a series revolving around another Mandalorian, it’s no surprise that he was drawn to that particular segment, though I’m not sure how he’d draw inspiration from it.

What do you think the right way to go about a Star Wars holiday special? Should they really try to elevate the concept of a holiday special or lean into the camp? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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