Kevin Smith is a real fanboy’s fanboy. He may be a filmmaker, but even he’d agree that he’s probably a fan first more than anything. As such, his career really hit its second stride in the late-2000s when he dove headfirst into the podcasting world before it was much of a thing to anyone else. It’s on these shows that he touts his love of all things geek, and in a recent episode of Fat Man on Batman, he gave a crazy theory about Star Wars: Episode IX that he concocted alongside producer friend Brian Volk-Weiss:
“We were talking about Clone Wars coming back and I said to him, ‘I got a theory that that’s the way to start introducing Ahsoka slowly into the live-action movies by bringing her back prominently in the cartoon.’ Because now that they don’t have Princess Leia stories to tell, they need another strong female character in the universe and Ahsoka’s been there for years, much beloved, just isn’t in the movies. So I was like, ‘I think maybe they’re doing that so they can slowly bring her into the movies.’ And then Brian blows my f**kin’ mind by going, ‘Maybe that’s who Keri Russell’s playing?’ and then I said, ‘What the f**k, man?! I wanna see your version of Star Wars!’ Then I was like, ‘No, that can’t be it, I think Keri Russell probably plays Rey’s mom,’ and then he f**kin’ drops the bomb and he goes, ‘What if it’s the same person?'”
“So, instantly, I wrote to J.J. Abrams, ‘You must do this.’ Could you imagine? That would be f**kin’ wild. I don’t think it is, but that was one of the greatest fan theories I’ve ever heard about. Wouldn’t that be hot? Not only is Ahsoka in these movies but she’s f**kin’ Rey’s mom! And somewhere, Rian Johnson’s like, ‘What the f**k?! I said no! I said they were trash!'”
I love me some Kevin Smith, but this is part of the problem with fandom at times. We are always looking for ways to connect characters and events without any real backing. We get these ideas that everything has to tie together, and in doing so, become attached to them.
In my opinion, they need to continue expanding this world, making it much bigger, and letting characters (get this) NOT be related.
But what do you think of Smith’s theory? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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SOURCE: Fat Man On Batman