Get ready to be upset, Star Wars: The Last Jedi haters, because what follows will likely not make you any happier about the way things turned out in the film.
“I knew intellectually what I was letting myself in for, but then when it happens you’re like, ‘Oh my God, this is intense!'” Director Rian Johnson told the Evening Standard. “It’s about knowing you’re not going to please everyone. But then you still read someone saying they wish you were dead and it’s going to ruin your day.”
In the time since the film’s release, fans have gone on to push back against virtually every decision Johnson made: they reject Rey’s parentage, Snoke’s death, Luke’s personality, and the overall premise of the film, with many going so far as to claim the prequels were superior experiences.
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Johnson continued:
“There were death threats. It’s balanced by a few things — 90 percent of the stuff I got online was not only lovely and encouraging but phenomenally thoughtful. Fans would send me essays on the movie. The other 10 percent is just loud and gets amplified. At first I was freaked out but then I realized the things people were angry about are the things I’m most proud about.”
That’s right. You read that correctly. Johnson takes joy in crushing yours. Okay, that’s not true. Basically, he’s saying he’s happy with the decisions he made to subvert expectations. On a storytelling level, I can very much appreciate those decisions, and they are part of the reason why the film was so effective for me on a personal level. He didn’t feel pressured to go the predictable route — the route that, to me, would have felt more like going through the expected motions than creating its own story.
What do you think of these decisions? Do you think they were the wrong ones? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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SOURCE: Standard