
Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker: Abrams On Palpatine’s Return And Whether We Will Find Out More About Snoke

A key component of the upcoming Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker, is clearly going to be the return of Emperor Palpatine aka Darth Sidious. Now, I wouldn’t be the only fan out there that has some serious worries about how they can effectively bring Palpatine back without somehow demeaning the ending of Return of the Jedi?

The Rise of Skywalker director J.J. Abrams recently spoke with Uproxx and was asked just how long he has been thinking about Palpatine’s return.

“Well, when you look at this as nine chapters of a story, perhaps the weirder thing would be if Palpatine didn’t return. You just look at what he talks about, who he is, how important he is, what the story is — strangely, his absence entirely from the third trilogy would be conspicuous. It would be very weird. That’s not to say there was a bible and we knew what happens at every step. But when Larry Kasdan and I worked on The Force Awakens, we didn’t do it in a vacuum. We very purposely looked at what came before. We chose to tell a story that touches upon specific things and themes and ideas that we’ve seen before, to begin a new story. But we examined all that came before to ask where does this feel like it’s going? So there were discussions about that at the time. Yet, like any beginning, you want to put the threads in, but you don’t want to necessarily be literal about everything. And then when Rian was brought on to do The Last Jedi, we met and we talked about things and he wrote his story. And when I read it the script, I realized this didn’t get in the way of anything Larry and I talked about that I thought I’d get to. There were some very specific things we did get to do in this movie that we were laughing and going, “Oh my god, we’re finally doing that thing we talked about five years ago.””

I get what Abrams is saying about the final chapters of a book, but if someone wrote a sequel to The Lord of the Rings and decided this was now the end and just brought back Sauron, would we accept it? Well, some would as long as it was a good story, they just wouldn’t care, but then there are other types of fans, like me, who would be disgusted with such a move. This is a tricky situation to navigate for me.

I also think, and will do always, that Palpatine was brought back because Snoke was killed in The Last Jedi, and if Abrams brought Snoke back, then he’d be accused of retconning The Last Jedi. So are we ever going to find out about Snoke now, his existence is an enigma given the rules of the Sith and for me, Palpatine would have destroyed this person when he was Emperor, we would have sensed that Darkside power. So what did Abrams say when asked specifically about Snoke?

“I will say, without giving anything away, knowing this movie is an ending is, for me infinitely more challenging than a beginning. We knew we needed to provide answers. And while there may be some things that aren’t entirely demystified by the end of it, we wanted to make sure people left feeling that they were satisfied. So I hope, on a number of issues, people will leave and feel like that it’s a true ending and not an advertising ploy. We really are bringing it to an end.”

As for what role Palpatine will play in The Rise of Skywalker, Abrams previously spoke to MTV News and said the following,

“I will say that that’s part of what the story is, and also, I will say that with the Emperor around, he’s not going to be your, you know, the cuddly pal. I can’t wait for you to see how that plays out, but he’s in the poster for a reason.”

Well, I’ll take a guess here, and this is the same guess I had since the reveal at Star Wars Celebration, therefore not affected by leaks. Palpatine has been brought back, to replace Snoke as the main antagonist, so that Kylo Ren can have a redemption arc. In fact, if this doesn’t happen, I am going to be stunned, that’s how confident I am in this one. I’m just not sure that’s the most original or entertaining thing that could be done with this story. Saying that, after The Last Jedi, I honestly held my hands up and said I wouldn’t have an idea how to end this story. I guess I’ll find out soon enough?

RELATED: J.J. Abrams Was Super Bummed About Darth Maul In The Phantom Menace

What do you think of Abrams’ comments on Palpatine and Snoke? Leave your comments below if you are able.

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SOURCE: Uproxx, MTV News

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