Not everyone was super thrilled when it was revealed that director J.J. Abrams would be returning to take on another Star Wars movie. As great as Star Wars: The Force Awakens was, there were a lot of fans who felt it was too safe for its own good.
When J.J. Abrams was revealed to be returning for the upcoming Star Wars: Episode IX, many worried that we would get another retread. However, in a recent interview with Rolling Stone, Abrams revealed an encouraging reason as to why he signed back up for another Star Wars flick.
“I had no intention to return. But when the opportunity presented itself to finish a story that we had begun with these new characters, to tell the last chapter of their story, it felt like there was a chance to do it in a way where we could go beyond, and do better than we did in VII. I learned so much in that movie and I saw that this was a chance to sort of realize something that we hadn’t quite achieved – and part of that was it was simply the beginning of these new characters and their story. The opportunity to sort of take what we had learned, to take the feeling of who these characters are and what they are and give them a final chapter that felt in the spirit of what we begun? It was too delicious of an opportunity to pass up.”
Before people call BS on this quote, keep in mind that Abrams was given a very specific task with Star Wars: The Force Awakens. He needed to bring back the tone and style of the original trilogy, all while setting the foundation for things to come. It was no easy task, and whether you agree with his creative choice or not, it was likely the best way to go about it for a reboot.
With Episode IX, his goals are distinctly different. He is closing out a story, and seems very more willing to take some real risks.
What do you think of Abrams’ comments? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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SOURCE: Rolling Stone