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Team-up with Titus to Tackle Cancer – Live Charity Auction | August 1st

Help Us Raise Funds To Support Two Year Old Titus and His Family As He Battles Leukemia

Go DONATE to support Titus

Join the Auction LIVE on YouTube August 1st

Grab your Tickets HERE to attend Terrificon

On June 17, Titus Banks, 2 years old, was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. His parents are Jeremy and Amber Banks and grandparents are Steve and Jo Banks and Jerry Aardema and Dawn Aardema. Amber had taken him to the doctor to check out unusual bruising, loss of appetite, and general paleness. They were immediately sent to Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital in Grand Rapids Michigan where he was admitted and started on blood transfusions and chemo. He responded well enough that he was able to go home June 21. The plan calls for chemo at the hospital every Friday. He’s not only receiving IV chemo but also a lumbar chemo treatment to prevent the leukemia from entering his spine. He also gets blood transfusions if his platelets are low. He has many meds to take in between at home too. All this makes him feel sore, sick, and VERY tired. He’s being so brave and tries so hard to be his happy little self! Jeremy and Amber are having to learn how to navigate this “new normal” for the foreseeable future – taking time off work for treatments plus trying to see to the needs of their other 5 children.

This journey for Titus and his family is slated to take 3 years. This first month they are quite aggressive with the chemo, hoping to get it into remission as soon as possible. Every Friday he goes in for chemo and they put in his port. But first they test his blood platelets to make sure his levels are high enough. If not, they first do a blood transfusion. Every 3rd Friday they do the chemo injection directly in his spine to prevent the leukemia from spreading there. He also takes many meds at home to counterbalance the various treatments and side effects that they cause.

We all know how expensive health care is and with Jeremy and Amber taking time off work to help Titus in his battle this family can use all the help we can give them. So we have asked many comic creators we know to donate items for an auction to be held on August 1, 2021 at the Terrificon convention in Connecticut. Terrificon is returning the the Mohegan Sun Convention Center for the 6th time after taking 2020 off due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The auction will be held on Sunday afternoon in Room B from 12:30-1:30 and be broadcast simultaneously on YouTube. Both live and virtual attendees will be able to bid on all the items in the auction. There are autographed comic books, original art, prints, sketches and so much more. If you are a creator who would like to donate an item for auction, please contact Jace – [email protected] See below for more details


LIVE AUCTION – August 1, 20201 

Where: Mohegan Sun Convention Center – Room B

TIME : 12:30 to 1:30 PM

Join & Bid Via YouTube:

All winning bids will show proof of donation DIRECTLY to Titus’s GoFundMe page –

Live auction attendees can take their item once proof of donation has been shown.

Virtual attendees must e-mail proof of donation to [email protected] and make arrangements for shipping costs.

All winning bids must be submit their donation to GoFundMe page within 48 hours.

Winning bids that do not submit their donation within 48 hours will be void and the item will be offered up for bid again at a time to be determined.

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