Tenet Will Feature 0% Green Screen: ‘They Did EVERYTHING Practically’

Tenet will feature no green screen.

Christopher Nolan is very much a supporter of classic filmmaking. It’s almost to the point where it’s ironic. Who would have thought that actually doing things in the real world — instead of using fancy CGI — would be the mark of an auteur? It just goes to show how far we’ve come these days. Throw a stone at any big-budget movie, and chances are it features extensive green screen. Hell, throw a stone at a sitcom and chances are there will be green screen.

With that in mind, you’d be forgiven to assume that Tenet, an original blockbuster, would have at least a little bit of green screen. But nope! If we’re to believe a Twitter user who supposedly had a chance to see a preview of Tenet recently, Nolan continues to take his job as a filmmaker way too seriously. The user, named ljwr_ shared their experience in a thread of tweets.

Among those threads were a few related bullet points. One is that the production “did EVERYTHING practically,” the user wrote. Additionally, there was no green screen, and that everything was shot on-location. In a world where you can send a cameraman to film some shots that are later added behind an actor in front of a green screen, this is big. This is especially the case if this is a globe-trotting adventure. It costs tons of money to fly out actors and full crews, so this most have been one expensive mother.

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Some other cool tidbits come from the talent in the film. The stuntmen apparently said they have never done anything like Tenet before. Actor Robert Pattinson went further, claiming no one will ever be able to do it again. Finally, one other fun detail is that, to portray the time inversion, they shot the same scenes twice — once forward and once with actors doing everything backwards.

Needless to say, Tenet is full-scale Christopher Nolan. If Dunkirk left you a bit cold in terms of the high concept nature, this movie seems to be the perfect panacea. Not only is it high concept, but Nolan continues to take pains to create a vivid and tangible trippy experience.

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SOURCE: ljw_

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