I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Thanos’ days may be numbered before they even started. Yes, I know. He’s a Marvel villain, so it makes sense he’d be killed off sooner rather than later, but it’s news that’s a bit odd to hear right before the launch of Avengers: Infinity War. Here’s what actor Josh Brolin had to say about the role.
“I don’t like the idea of a franchise, personally,” Brolin said to Empire Magazine. “That’s what makes the Thanos thing really great. It’s a finite thing, and I like that.”
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Finite, eh? What does that mean? Can we really expect Thanos to be killed off in either Avengers: Infinity War or Avengers 4? It’s a fun thought to contemplate (especially if Marvel would kill him off in Infinity War), but I think Thanos is far too interesting to go so soon, but the MCU has gotten rid of interesting villains in the past (hello, Killmonger).
If nothing else, it reminds me how much of an actor’s actor Brolin really is, and the fact that he’s in not just one, but two franchises, is pretty impressive for someone like him. He may have double-checked to make sure that his run would end at a certain point. But is Thanos’ death really the direction to go, or will he simply be written out of the MCU after this?
What do you think of Brolin’s comments? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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SOURCE: Empire (via CBM)