
The Acolyte: No That Planet Is Not Ahch-To – But It Might Be Bal’demnic!

Scene from Lucasfilm's THE ACOLYTE, exclusively on Disney+. ©2024 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved.

The Acolyte creator confirms that, no, that planet in Episode 6 is not Ahch-To however, it might still be Bal’demnic! Episode 6 of The Acolyte saw two of the character on an ‘unknown planet’ which a lot of fans felt looked like Ahch-To, the planet Luke Skywalker hid in the sequels. I totally see why, there’s some potential symbolism. Plus, it looks really alike and the creatures look kinda similar, albeit not exactly the same.

However, there is another planet that some fans think this could be. It’s not official canon, but it does match some elements of the description of the planet Bal’demnic from the Darth Plagueis books. Those books are now considered Legends. However, so was Coruscant at one point, just saying.

I think you can possible see where this is going, so just to warn of Episode 6 SPOILERS below from this point.

The Acolyte Episode 6 SPOILERS Below

Before we get into the Bal’deminic theory, lets see what The Acolyte creator Leslye Headland said about the planet when talking with Collider yesterday.

It’s not Ahch-To. I know it’s similar, and it was intentionally supposed to be similar in terms of terrain and feeling isolated and surrounded by water and less lush green and more rocky. But the idea is that cortosis is mined on this planet, so I don’t think that’s the case with Ahch-To. Part of the reason this is his home base is that cortosis is a very rare metal. I don’t think we say it explicitly in the show, but that’s a reason it’s not Ahch-To.”

“It’s an uncharted planet that they [Jedi] haven’t mapped.”

Headland was also asked by the interviewer if fans should be paying attention to a specific line? Qimir was asked, ‘when was he a Jedi?’ His answer was, ‘a long time ago’. Which, if you think about it wouldn’t make that much sense for a man around the age Manny Jacinto is, in his 30’s.

Headland’s response?

“Yes. You should store that for later.”


A Theory

So, what if Qimir is actually Darth Plagueis? What if this Sith Lord is actually the Master, or trying to currently become the Master? He could supposedly prevent death, what if he found a way to stop the aging process?

I know that’s a bit out there and I’m not saying I’m convinced of this. However, I do really think they are building up certain connections to the Plagueis of the old Legends books. The main obvious difference is that Plagueis was a Munn (alien species) in the books. However, one part of his character was how incredibly long lived he was. Plagueis and his previous Master Tenebrous hid out on a planet called Bal’demnic in a cave. It was also where they mined cortosis as it was a very rare substance and this planet had it.

RELATED: The Acolyte Sith Lord Was Originally Just A Tease For Season 2 Says Creator

There are a few other parallels, Qimir speaks in a way that reminds a lot of fans of Plagueis from the books. Now those books are not canon, so Plagueis DOB, his race, his motivations can all be changed. The only canon thing about Plagueis is the story told by Sidious. However, it could be that the show is taking certain inspirations from those Legends stories, whilst creating their own backstory for Plagueis.

“But the idea is that cortosis is mined on this planet, so I don’t think that’s the case with Ahch-To. Part of the reason this is his home base is that cortosis is a very rare metal. I don’t think we say it explicitly in the show, but that’s a reason it’s not Ahch-To.”

Seems possibly relevant to me folks. But I guess we will find out, maybe?

So, the planet on The Acolyte was not Ahch-To confirms creator Leslye Headland. However, from what she said, it still might be Bal’demnic, or a substitution for that planet in Legends.  As always, let us know what you think of Headland’s comments and also the current theories around The Acolyte below.

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