
The Acolyte Sith Lord Was Originally Just A Tease For Season 2 Says Creator

Scene from Lucasfilm's THE ACOLYTE, exclusively on Disney+. ©2024 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved.

According to The Acolyte creator Leslye Headland, the Sith Lord was originally just a tease for a Season 2 arc. With Episode 6 releasing tomorrow, fans are keen to learn more about the mysterious Sith Lord. Their identity was revealed in Episode 5. Ergo….

Episode 5 Spoilers Below

This interview was conducted after Episode 5 so may included some SPOILERS for last week’s show. Headland spoke to Inverse, and she revealed that the Sith Lord role was actually built up a lot from the original script. Then, Headland and crew saw Manny Jacinto in the role. After that they decided to expand his character’s scenes more for Season 1. Originally she says Qimir was more of a set up for the Season 2 plot (if the show gets renewed?).

“This is an interesting tidbit: Originally, even up until shooting, The Stranger was not in a lot of the rest of the season. He was much more of a tee-up for a second season arc. But I saw Manny’s screen test early on in pre-production, and I just thought, “There will be riots in the streets if I don’t [go further]. Here we go. I guess I’m rewriting an episode.” Manny was so impressive in every aspect.”

RELATED: The Acolyte Creator Teases Season 2 Details If Greenlit And Says Sith’s Identity Was Purposefully Telegraphed

Headland also refused to rule out Qimir and Osha getting together going forward. With the latter possibly seducing Osha to the Dark Side.

“I mean, enemies to lovers, baby. But I don’t even think this is “good girl against bad guy.” I think it’s more like… OK, I’ll put it this way. I always really loved the line in A New Hope when Obi-Wan says “Vader was seduced by the Dark Side.” Always loved that word, “seduced.

Oh and she also teased some more Legends content to watch out for. However, the showrunner refused to discuss it until after the finale. Headland was discussing the introduction to new canon of cortosis. Most of what she said we’ve covered in a previous interview. Though, this one line at the end feels like a tease.

“So that’s the cortosis story, but the other Legends stuff we can talk about after the finale. “

Of course fans are hoping to see one of two things here. Qimir’s Sith name is revealed and it’s someone we know from Legends. Or, Qimir’s Master is revealed and it’s someone we know from Legends. I guess we will find out?

What do you think of her comments as The Acolyte creator says Manny Jacinto’s Sith Lord was originally a tease for Season 2? Thoughts below as always.

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