THE FLASH Season 3: Executive Producer Talks On The Season’s Theme

Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for Season 2 of the CW’s The Flash.

Much has been said in regards to the upcoming season of The Flash. Last season’s finale ended in such a cliffhanger — with Barry foolishly going back in time to save his mother from being killed by Reverse-Flash. This is very familiar territory for comic fans, and is the crux of the Flashpoint event that results in a lot of permanent changes in the continuity.

While actor Grant Gustin has since confirmed that the actual Flashpoint storyline will be wrapped up pretty quickly, it has some permanent ramifications. Among those potential ramifications seems to be the creation of Kid Flash. In the “current” timeline, Wally West is a bit of an adrenaline junkie, but by no means a speedster. Based on the limited amount we know about Season 3, it seems like his character will have a bit of a change — though hopefully not too big a change that would conflict with what we know about the character already.

Speaking with EW, The Flash Exeuctive Producer Andrew Kreisberg confirmed that Barry will still have his powers, despite the changes, and that the theme of the season will be…power:

“One of the themes is what does it mean to have power, what you do with that power, and is power ultimately corrupting?”

Thus far in the story, Barry has done a pretty good job at not letting the power corrupt him, and with the exception of his occasionally going back in time and…oh, I don’t know…saving his mother, he seems to be putting it to good use. Will this season see him become more and drunk on this power after he sees how much better it can make his life? What role will Wally West play in all this? 

It’s almost impossible to speculate at this point since, at this point, we don’t know which aspects of characters — and which bits of character history will be retained.

Either way, I can’t wait to see how this plays out. What do you think of Kreisberg’s comments? Let us know in the comments down below!

The Flash returns to the CW on October 4, 2016.

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