LRMonline GenreVerse

The Flash Season 4 Villain Revealed

Disclaimer: This post contains spoilers to Season 3 of The Flash.

The conclusion of Season 3 of The Flash saw an interesting conclusion, with Barry Allen sacrificing himself to the Speed Force, leaving behind everyone else to take care of Central City in his absence. This left a lot of questions in the minds of fans. Would Barry Allen, in fact, still be leading the series come Season 4, or would that leading role fall to Wally West as it did in the comics? That remains to be seen, but another question fans have been wondering is who the villain would be.

For the first three seasons, The Flash has had doppelganger villains Reverse-Flash, Zoom, and Savitar. As great as this has been to see Barry Allen take on these guys, I’m one of those folks who isn’t a fan of villains with the same superpowers as the lead. If we look at the pantheon of great villains, very rarely do their abilities mirror that of the heroes. Just look at the Joker and Batman for the exceptional example. Plus, I have to say, I’m sick of hearing Barry talk about how he needs to get faster.

Did we mention The Thinker is super handsome?

But who could fill that villainous void? According to TV Line, Clifford DeVoe, a.k.a. The Thinker, is set to be the next big foe in The Flash. As the name indicates, The Thinker is a really smart dude who creates a cap for himself that gives him mind control and telekinetic abilities. The character was referenced a couple times in the season, so it makes sense that they’d follow those references up with an eventual appearance. This also falls in line with statements from the producers back in March.

As stated above, as much as I love the show, I think we’ve seen enough Speedster villains for the longer arcs. In actually taking the time to develop non-Speedster villains over the course of a full season, I’m sure they’ll be able to figure out cool ways for Barry (or maybe Wally) to overcome these obstacles that non-Speedsters put in their way — ways that don’t necessarily just include running fast.

What do you think of The Thinker being the main villain of Season 4 of The Flash? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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