This February marks the beginning of the galaxy-spanning finale of Phase III of The High Republic in STAR WARS: THE HIGH REPUBLIC – FEAR OF THE JEDI, a new ongoing series by New York Times bestselling author Cavan Scott and acclaimed artist Marika Cresta (Doctor Aphra). Announced at the Star Wars: Stories From a Galaxy Far, Far Away panel at San Diego Comic-Con, STAR WARS: THE HIGH REPUBLIC – FEAR OF THE JEDI promises to be Marvel Comics’ latest foray into the enthralling world of The High Republic.
Cavan Scott, a key architect of this era’s narrative, returns to deliver a breathtaking conclusion to Phase III of The High Republic. This era, known as the Jedi Order’s Golden Age, has captivated audiences with its rich storytelling and exploration of a previously untapped period in Star Wars history.
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The new series delves into the burning question: What scares the Jedi? As the conflict within the Nihil Occlusion Zone escalates, Jedi Master Keeve Trennis embarks on a journey that will alter her destiny. The series will feature appearances by Kelnacca, the Wookiee Jedi Master from The Acolyte, alongside beloved characters from The High Republic novels, audio dramas, and comics.
Since its launch in 2021, The High Republic has been a groundbreaking multi-platform initiative, spanning books and comics set centuries before the Skywalker saga. Recently, this era made its live-action debut in the hit Disney+ series The Acolyte. The High Republic stories have introduced fans to new characters and concepts, unraveling Force mysteries and the foundations of the galaxy far, far away.
As The High Republic reaches its climactic finale, fans are encouraged to brace themselves for a thrilling conclusion that will leave a lasting impact on the Star Wars mythos.
Stay tuned for more updates on STAR WARS: THE HIGH REPUBLIC – FEAR OF THE JEDI #1 in the coming months. For more information, visit