If your a fan of the Teen Titans GO! animated series, chances are you have or are going to enjoy Teen Titans GO! to the Movies. The film continues to follow the adventures of Robin, Starfire, Beastboy, Raven and Cyborg but in a very humorous way. It continues the usual jokes that we are used to seeing, but in this film they take a lot more shots at the superhero genre, specifically DC Comics, which we saw a lot of already in the trailers. One example is Green Lantern saying that they don’t talk about his movie is an embarrassed tone. But apparently there was one joke that Warner Bros. did not care all that much for.
During the film, Robin walks by a movie set with Batman and Superman fighting each other like in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. They stop fighting once they discover that both of their mothers are named Martha. Only to start fighting again when they discover that both of their fathers don’t share the same name. Talking with Cinemablend, co-director Aaron Horvath mentioned that the studios were not fans of it saying that, “That one in particular was on the chopping block for months. Our executive producer Sam Register was fighting hard for that one, and right at the end of it they let us keep it.”
If there is one moment from Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice that keeps coming up over and over again, it’s the moment when Batman stopped himself from killing Superman during their fight scene when Superman asks him to “save Martha”. Since everyone else was already mocking that moment, the Teen Titans Go! to the Movies team also decided to get in on the action. In fact during test screenings it had received one of the biggest laughs. Horvath defended the moment by saying, “We’re making a comedy movie, and if you get a laugh, it’s like, do you want to be the guy who cuts laughs out of the movie?”
I guess Warner Bros. are still a little sensitive about BvS. The Teen Titans film is filled with moments like this even taking shots at Marvel’s Deadpool, not to mention the surprise cameo by a Marvel legend. As a DC fan I enjoyed the film with my seven year old daughter. There are tons of characters that I enjoyed seeing cameo in the film, like Swamp Thing and Plastic Man to name a few. That “Martha” moment was pretty funny and it would have been a shame for them to have to cut it out of the film.
What do you think? Was the studio being too serious? Let us know in the comment section below!
Warner Bros. Animation’s Teen Titans GO! to the Movies is now playing in theaters everywhere.
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Source: Cinemablend