Cannes is here again, the industry’s holy grail and a prime spot for mingling, shedding tears, and applauding—or jeering. Many historic moments have graced the famed festival. On my bookshelf sits a promising book titled Citizen Cannes, but I digress. With Cannes in full swing, here’s the latest on The Possession at Gladstone Manor. Want to know more about the film? Check out the synopsis below.
When Jamie Black discovers her mother has gone missing in THE POSSESSION AT GLADSTONE MANOR, she resolves to investigate by applying for the same job her mother held at Gladstone Manor. Jamie soon finds evidence that her mother isn’t the only missing person and that she may be dealing with sinister forces beyond this world. Desperate, she enlists the help of her brothers, Rupert and Chris, and Sam, Chris’s fiancée—all of whom are professional criminals and former marines. Once Jamie arrives at the house, she is immediately greeted by a mysterious and malevolent Nurse and soon realizes the residents of Gladstone Manor are unlike any enemy she’s ever faced, wielding a dark power she’s never encountered. Trapped in the house, she must rely on her brothers and future sister-in-law to save her.
International sales are being handled by AMP’s Anthony Buckner.
Cowan is repped by Jason Hyman at Buchwald. Metcalf is repped by Brett Norensberg and Jennifer Craig at Gersh, and managed by Erik Kritzer at Link Entertainment. Kirk is repped by Bobby Moses at Mavrick Artists Agency. Weiss is repped by Natalie Kollar at L.A.Talent. Crampton is repped by Mike Eisenstadt at Amsel, Eisenstadt, Frazier & Hinojosa Talent Agency (AEFH). Both Shaye and Mapother are repped by Julia Buchwald. Shaye is also repped by Gina Rugolo-Judd at Rugolo entertainment. Levin is repped by Pamela Fisher at LBI Entertainment.