Last year saw the floodgates open in terms of the sexual harassment inherent in film and TV business. Harvey Weinstein was the first one to go down, but he wasn’t the last, and so began the Me Too movement that we currently live in. While things have quieted down a bit in recent months, this is a movement that continues, and perhaps the biggest story to come from it in recent months involves The Predator.
We haven’t really covered this whole deal on the site too much, so in case LRM‘s the only way you get your film news, I’ll give you a rundown. The Predator director Shane Black reportedly knowingly hired a convicted sex offender, Steven Wilder Striegel (who was convicted of preying on a 14-year-old girl) . Actress Olivia Munn spoke out against this when she found out (apparently he was hitting on her on set), and blew the whistle on him, prompting Fox to cut his scene with her.
Though while Fox managed to act quickly, it sounds like many people from the studio weren’t too happy with her when she told her co-stars about the incident, as she revealed on the Ellen Degeneres Show:
“When I did call my co-stars, I got chastised the next day by people at the studio for telling [my co-stars], and why am I not just, you know, just keeping it quiet, ‘it’s all going to be okay’, ‘it got deleted’, ‘what’s the big deal?’ And well, it happened.”
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Munn has since gone on the record, saying that none of her co-stars reached out to support her once this news got out. A couple stars have since done so, but up until that point, she’d expressed feeling like she was taking on this issue alone:
“When you see something, you have to say something. However, it’s not going to be easy. And there will be people who get mad at you for not playing the game. I think people expected me to be quiet because it was my movie. I don’t care if this movie gave me all the money in the world and all the power. If it costs one person’s life, they can take it. I don’t want this career.”
What do you think of Munn’s comments? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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SOURCE: Ellen Degeneres