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The Punisher Season 2 Heading To Netflix In January

With Daredevil getting dropped from Netflix, fans of the R-rated side of Marvel are understandably bummed. That show’s cancellation marked the third in just over a few months, and it didn’t help that it was their proverbial jewel in the crown, and with only Jessica Jones and The Punisher left, we’re all kind of waiting for the next shoe to drop.

Though regardless of whether or not The Punisher will get canceled following its second season, we can all still look forward to a brand-new season coming, right? If nothing else, Netflix seems to be excited for it — enough so that it felt the need to give it its own spot in their January 2019 preview.

RELATED – Daredevil Star Charlie Cox Saddened By Its Cancelation

Over the course of the video, we got to see countless additions hitting the streaming service, including the likes of A Series of Unfortunate Events Season 3 and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Season 4 Part 2, and while most every other show got a specific day, The Punisher did not. Instead, what we got was a stinger that showed Frank Castle get into a truck and turning it on before it says “Coming Soon.”

Fans of the show and of Marvel and Netflix will be happy to see it, but we’re still waiting for Marvel to cancel the damn thing the day after. Regardless, are you excited for it? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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SOURCE: Netflix

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