The Rings of Power Episode 3 review. So far I’m very much till positive, read on to find out why? This review will cover Episode 3 of The Rings of Power, called ‘Adar’. As for SPOILER policy? For now I’m keep as SPOILER FREE as I possibly can. That could change as the season progresses but for now that’s my plan.
Bit of background. I’m a fairly big Tolkienite, and have read pretty much everything he wrote many times. Yet, there are still some out there who far outstrip my own knowledge. I came at this show with trepidation because ultimately this is a fan fiction project. Okay, it’s licensed by the Tolkien Estate and there are some rules as we understand. However this is still largely fan fiction. So was it any good?
What’s Good?
Thus far I am still in happy geek out mode for the most part. The performances remain strong, the scenes and sets are still stunning, yet for some fans, I think they might find Episode 3 a little slow. This episode only focuses on three of the five story threads we have running thus far. Galadriel and Halbrand are on their to the island Kingdom of Numenor and we learn a little more about the current mood of the population there. Meanwhile Arondir story in the Southlands progresses, and the Harfoots are off on their next migration, along with the mysterious Meteor Man.
I missed Elrond and the Dwarves this week I’ll admit, but I’m still loving both the Harfoot story and that of Arondir in the Southlands. I’m, still not loving Galadriel’s character at this point, but I do still enjoy the story progressing. There are a few little nods from the opening two episodes which are explained further, but not too much. Yet there remain many mysteries still to solve and I’m genuinely still excited to see what happens each week.
There was a bit of tell and not show here, not a great trait to spot. However going by the comments I was reading online last week after the opening two episodes I’m actually feeling it was needed. The bizarre theories I’ve heard so far whilst not taking any of the clues on board are staggering.
Conflicting Criticisms
What is weird is that I’m seeing two criticisms online right now that make no sense alongside one another. Either the show is explaining too much and needs to show and not tell. I mentioned this very slightly myself above. Or, I’m hearing that everything is too vague and they need to sit and explain the First Age more because people are lost. One comment I read, a man said he had to pause the show half-way through and explain the entire First Age to his wife. Do we need to know the whole backstory on Episode 3? I seem to remember not getting much explanation on the backstory to Game of Thrones until Season 6.
I guess it is possible to have both these happen at the same time. Irrelevant points could be over explained whilst important points are glossed over. However, I don’t see it myself. There are little hints about the backstory which can be built up throughout the shows run. Equally, some of the things they did explain seemed to be questions lots of fans had after last week.
I’m trying to be helpful to those online without spoiling details. However I think some of the criticism the show is getting is so far greatly exaggerated. In don’t say unfounded as subjective opinions and all that. However there are a few things I have spotted myself that suddenly become a rallying point for why the show sucks online.
My Criticisms
One of these rallying points I have seen is a shot I myself disliked. No spoilers here, but there is a scene of Galadriel riding a horse and she looks happy for the first time in this show. No issues there for me, but the use of slow-mo in the scene was just not well thought out for me.
Did I like it? No, however was it so bad I can no longer enjoy the rest of the show? Not anywhere close, it’s 15 seconds at most of the show and was just the wrong shot.
I do still think that Galadriel’s abrasive nature doesn’t fit the character I read about in Tolkien’s mythology. Galadriel really was one of the very wisest of all Elves lefts in Middle-earth at this point. So far, I don’t see that wisdom, intelligence, compassion or instant respect. Like last week I will again point out this is not a criticism of Morfydd Clark, Clark is playing the role as it was written. I guess I’m just hoping Galadriel grows rather quickly in this story.
There was one scene where diplomacy was required and Galadriel seemed to instead gets offensive. I just cant quite see why the character is this way despite all her ambitions of vengeance.
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So, yes, I have a few criticisms, however none of them ever took me out of the story. None of those criticisms are any worse than the similar I had of the Peter Jackson movies. Well, the LOTR movies, not the Hobbit movies, those I had a dislike for. However, like any show, the criticisms could go up and the positives could go down.
As said at the very top, for now, I’m still positive when it comes to The Rings of Power.
Please leave your own The Rings of Power Episode 3 review below if you can, or let me know what you think of what I had to say? Do you agree with me, or disagree after watching the show?
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