Did you get the news? We’re about to die. Again and again and again. I swear I’ve heard this premise somewhere before recently. Someone is forced to relive the same day over and over and over again, only to die at the end of each day. Of course, we saw it first in Groundhog Day, then in Edge of Tomorrow, and more recently in Happy Death Day. Each take had its own logic and was pretty fun in its own way.
The latest take on this tried-and-true concept comes in the form of the Netflix series Russian Doll. Yes, you read that right. This is not a movie, but a series, meaning we will be getting hours and hours of time-bending goodness. Whether or not a premise like this can extend in longer form will be very interesting to see, but the trailer seems promising enough. One other cool thing is, at the end of the trailer, there seems to be an indication that the lead character isn’t the only one who keeps dying again and again.
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Compared to the films I mentioned above, Russian Doll looks to be a great deal raunchier and goofier, so there’s at least that unique element. The eight-episode series comes from Natasha Lyonne (who also stars in the lead role of Nadia), Amy Poehler, and Leslye Headland (Bachelorette). Lyonne and Headland wrote all eight of the episodes.
What do you think of Russian Doll? Do you think it’ll hold up over several episodes and is it different enough to be…different from the other stories we’ve already seen? Let us know down below!
Russian Doll hits Netflix on February 1, 2019.
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SOURCE: Netflix