Ever since it was hinted at that Vernita Green’s daughter could indeed eventually seek vengeance against Uma Thurman’s the Bride, audiences have been patiently waiting. Waiting to see if a third Kill Bill film was in the cards for Quentin Tarantino has been a 15-year-plus enterprise, and with Tarantino claiming his last film is on the horizon, it’s hard to see a world in which this movie actually happens.
Appearing on Andy Cohen Live, Tarantino addressed the ever-persistent question he’s asked ever time he makes the rounds.
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“Well I just so happen to have had dinner with Uma Thurman last night, we were at a really cool Japanese restaurant…” Tarantino told the Sirius XM host. “She was bragging about me, and I was bragging about her, it was a lovely night [Laughs]… Well I do have an idea of what I would do. That was the whole thing, conquering that concept… exactly what’s happened to the bride since then, and what do I want to do. Because I wouldn’t want to just come up with some cockamamie adventure – she doesn’t deserve that. The Bride has fought long and hard. Now I have an idea that actually could be interesting – I wouldn’t do it for a little bit though… It would be like at least three years from now or something like that. But look, it is definitely in the cards.”
So…there’s still a chance. And if you’re keeping track, this means that Tarantino could, in fact, round out his filmography with his first actual sequel (counting Kill Bill as one movie, of course). Is this something we actually want to see happen?
Do we want him to go out on a sequel?
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SOURCE: Andy Cohen Live (via ComicBook.com)