WandaVision did the impossible this week, bringing the Evan Peters version of Pietro Maximoff instead of Age of Ultron‘s into Wanda’s life.
For those who don’t have brains that are programmed to hold every little Marvel Cinematic Universe detail, Aaron Taylor-Johnson played Peitro Maximoff, Wanda’s twin brother in Avengers: Age of Ultron. We haven’t seen him around because Ultron killed him, but his absence has been felt as Wanda sometimes remembers the past she is trying to escape in WandaVision.
Meanwhile, Taylor-Johnson’s Kick-Ass costar played Pietro Maximoff, the mutant and son on Magneto, in several X-Men films. He first appeared in X-Men: Days of Future Past, though Wanda appeared as a much younger sister with no involvement in the films.
Now that Disney owns Fox, such a move can be made, but is this the first of the X-Men in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Is the Multiverse already cracked? Or is Peters appearing instead of Taylor-Johnson just a fun Easter Egg for those in the know?
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Head writer Jac Shaeffer brought more context to the decision to bring Evan Peters into WandaVision in a conversation with Marvel.com:
We loved the idea of [bringing him back]. And then we were like, how in the world are we going to make this make logical sense? Like, how do we justify this? Because that’s the thing, you can hatch a million great ideas, but to make them land, to make them be grounded, to make them feel organic to the larger story.
This show is such a mind scramble, and because it’s working on so many levels, and there’s so many notions of what’s real and what’s not, and performance, and casting, and audience, and fandom, and all of that, we just thought it would be the biggest thrill to bring Evan over to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
We thought like, how do we give him this entrance, and then enjoy that, and then make it crazy? And we had long had the idea of the trope of the brother, or the relative, or whoever comes to town and like, stirs things up with the family — that sitcom trope.
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We were rooting for it for so long, and didn’t know if it would be possible. It was complicated to make happen. Evan was always up for it — like, always, always, always. He is a comic book fan, and a Marvel fan. He is always up for the absolute weirdest option. And he’s a pleasure — truly a pleasure to work with.
Everybody was really excited. I think Kevin [Feige, Marvel Studios president] wanted to make sure that there was a reason for it, that it made sense. And I hope that’s what we did.
This is certainly not a confirmation we are seeing the same character as in the Fox X-Men films. It could just be a wink at fans, or maybe Feige is pleased because of what it sets up, not just brining the idea of the long lost relative sitcom cliche.
Damn that Marvel Studios! So secretive. I guess we have to keep watching WandaVision to learn the truth.