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Westworld Is Officially Renewed For Season 4 By HBO

That’s right folks Westworld is officially renewed for Season 4 by HBO. We may not even be at the finale of Westworld Season 3 yet, but when we do, we know it won’t be the end. HBO sent out the social media post below late yesterday confirming the news.


I guess with only two more episodes of Westworld Season 3 left, HBO wanted to assure fans more was coming. To be honest was there ever really any doubt that Westworld was going to be renewed? Westworld has taken over from Game of Thrones as HBO’s flagship show now, it was always going to go to the end. When that end may be, how many seasons are left, that’s harder to answer? Though, going by the gaps between Seasons 1-3, it may be longer than the standard calendar year before we see Season 4 arrive.

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Westworld is officially renewed for Season 4

I am not quite up to speed with Season 3 yet, I believe I’m around two weeks behind. I do plan to rectify that before the penultimate episode is due on April 26th. What I would say about Season 3 so far, is I have enjoyed it a lot more than Season 2. Westworld Season 1 was amazing, but I thought the story wasn’t structured well in Season 2. Season 2 felt like the writers had heard all the positive feedback for Season 1 and tried to make the narrative even more convoluted. In the end, Season 2 was obfuscated by the way the narrative was structured, rather than enhanced. So far, Season 3 has felt much more alike to Season 1 in terms of quality, for this fan anyway.

Are you a fan of Westworld? Are you happy Westworld is officially renewed for Season 4? Leave your thoughts below as always.

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