
Westworld ‘Weeks Ahead’ Trailer, Season 2 Opening, And BTS Video!

A couple days back, audiences were reintroduced to the world of Westworld for the first time since Season 1 ended back in 2016 (wow, has it been that long already?). It was a joyous return, and with it, HBO dropped a few videos to get audiences stoked for Season 2 going forward.

The first dropped is the opening credits sequence. Admittedly, it has a lot of the same exact imagery and pacing from the first sequence, but there are some slight differences. However, if you’re one to skip this part of the show, it’s not likely to matter much. But it’s okay! Because the network dropped more than just the opening credits!

RELATED – Westworld: not All Of The Hosts Are On The Same Page In Season 2

We also got an “In The Weeks Ahead” trailer for the film. As expected, a lot of what we end up seeing is very vague in nature and does more to tease the mood and images, rather than any particular plot points…until near the end. By the end of the trailer, we get some glimpses of futuristic soldiers in Westworld, as well as Thandie Newton’s character in full Japanese attire wielding a katana. So, yeah, Samurai World is coming.

Last, but certainly not least, we get a behind-the-scenes video, and in it, we get a look at the work that goes into creating the drone hosts in Westworld. In doing so, they use the opening sequence as a base on which they can build on. Surprisingly, all of this is done practically, with full-body suits.

What do you think of these three videos, and which is your favorites? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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