The Untitled Han Solo movie has certainly had a troubled time of late, with the late directorial change of Ron Howard coming in to replace the outgoing Phil Lord and Chris Miller. I don’t think any of the movies stars are going to come out and tell us anything negative about the directors who hired them, but it certainly seems that Ron Howard has brought a different approach to filming the story of the young Han Solo.
Donald Glover, fresh from his role in Spider-Man: Homecoming is of course going to play everyone’s favorite card player and scoundrel Lando Calrissian in the upcoming Star Wars anthology movie, and Glover talked about how the director change felt from his point of view in a recent interview with Hollywood Reporter. While Glover was uncomfortable elaborating, he does acknowledge that the change on set has been dramatic:
“Ron is such a legend, and he knows exactly what the vision for what he is doing is …[but Phil and Chris] hired us, so you sort of feel like, ‘I know I’m not your first choice…’ And you worry about that. To be honest, I don’t know exactly what happened. I feel like I was the baby in the divorce, or the youngest child. The oldest child is like, ‘We know what’s happening, but we are keeping you out of it.’ And I’m just like ‘Was that scene good? How did you feel?'”
Interesting analogy from Glover, we know from Ron Howard’s own photos that he has been filming some key scenes with Glover as Calrissian recently. I wonder if the older child in this analogy is Han Solo himself, Alden Ehrenreich. Previously, it was reported that Ehrenreich was unhappy with what Lord and Miller were asking him to do, but those claims were never fully confirmed (and they likely never will be). I don’t think Glover need worry about not being Ron Howard’s first choice, the director was never in a position to make any choices regarding his cast, being asked to step in so far down the line. But can anyone think of someone better suited to play the young Lando Calrissian?
I know there are many fans out there that just don’t want to have this movie made at all, leave the back story in the imagination of the fans, but it is being made, and it seems to this writer that the ship has indeed been steadied since Howard’s arrival and though I can’t comment on the other stars of the film, he certainly has a talent in Glover playing one of the key roles, certainly Glover’s biggest acting role to date by far.
What do you think of Glover’s comments, do you think he will prove the correct choice for this role and do you think the film seems under better hands in Ron Howard’s stewardship? Let us know in the comments section below.
The untitled Han Solo film hits theaters on May 25, 2018.
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SOURCE: Hollywood Reporter