What if Thor was an only child. That’s this week’s flimsy premise and like usual with What If?, it doesn’t really mentally prepare you for what’s to come next. Switch off the brain processes folks, you will not need to have much going on this week. In fact. It’s probably better if don’t think too much about the lunacy you are watching here anyway. Yep, this week’s episode is utterly bonkers, and it really makes no sense the harder you think about it. So don’t.
As always I will get into a few details below the Spoiler jump. But for now what I thought of this week’s episode of What If? without any spoilers.
Episode 6 feels like the writers were up really late one night smoking a lot of medicinal weed. Perhaps they had been growing using our sponsor Grow Generation’s top range equipment? Whatever strain they had on the go, I’d love to try it. This one really goes places that I can only explain by the analogy given above. You’ll begin the episode by questioning your own sanity as implausible situations pile on one another like layers of saccharine cake. At one point I started to wonder whether the writers had literally never watched one of the MCU movies, maybe they didn’t for a laugh, I dunno?
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However, by the end, a bit like the T’Challa as Star Lord week, I cant help but admit, I had fun. There were several moments eventually which did bring a smile to my face. Those moments were as riddled with MCU canon inconsistencies as the start, but I was smiling now instead of frowning. If you have kids, this is one of the week’s you can let them watch What If? without having to worry about them crying about their heroes.
SPOILER Talk below. (Though, It won’t be too much this week?)
Utterly bonkers. So for some reason the fact Thor didn’t have a brother leads him to be a d***head, ok, I get that. However why was the Grandmaster, the Guardians, and Nebula all present? That made no sense whatsoever. Or what about how Maria Hill was ready to just Nuke both Thor and Captain Marvel because he was throwing a party? We could also get into how Mjolnir at this point wouldn’t have it’s special trait where no one can pick it up, which would allow Carol to do so. In fact, even if it was, surely Carol is worthy like Cap before her?
Then we could bemoan the fact that Carol vs Thor should be a great fight, but Carol should win quite comfortably if we are judging things on the Thanos scale. Nothing makes any sense as said above and there is little more to say on it. I was still smiling though, something I didn’t do once last week.
As for the stinger? So some kind of Vision/Ultron hybrid has no invaded Earth. Ok, I’m intrigued, but I also know the next part will also require me to turn my brain off f0r the duration. So be it.
Just for how cool Carol vs Thor was to begin with.
Tell us what you thought? What if Thor was an only child, did it work for you? Sound off below as always.