
UPDATED: Wheel Of Time Casting Rumor: Rosamund Pike Up For Moiraine?

UPDATE: This news has since been corroborated by Discussing Film.


Wheel of Time is looking to come in right on time to the epic fantasy party that is set to kick off in the next year or two. With television as a medium finally being able to match the scope and style of movies, previously-unfilmable stories are finally making their way to the small screen — where longform stories belong! As of right now, based on previous comments from Brandon Sanderson, the author who finished the series for Robert Jordan, the scripts are coming along nicely, but aren’t quite finished yet. However, given the large cast of characters to be…cast…it makes sense that they’d be starting the casting process relatively early.

But it’s worth pointing out that this is very much just a rumor, but it’s worth noting that the site that posted the rumor has been correct on casting rumors about The Witcher in the past. Still, take this with a grain of salt, as you do with all rumors. However, the rumor in question comes from Recapped, and according to them, Rosamund Pike will be taking on the role of Moiraine Damodred in the Wheel of Time series from Amazon.

RELATED – Wheel Of Time: Author Brandon Sanderson Comments On ‘Unexpected Decision’ Made In Adaptation

Pike has been in the business for going on 20 years now, and in her time, she’s starred in films from Pride and Prejudice to Die Another Day, but perhaps her most impressive work to date is in the film Gone Girl, where she played the deceptive and horrifying Amy Dunne.

As I’ve stated already, be sure to take this with a grain of salt, but if it is true, it does seem to imply some real momentum with the work they have going on, which is great news for fans of the show. Perhaps in the months to come, we will see some more news in terms of casting. Fingers crossed!

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SOURCE: Recapped (h/t Daniel Greene)

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