The long-touted Avatar sequels are currently in front of cameras as James Cameron shoots both Avatar 2 and Avatar 3 back to back. The shoot is currently on day 130, and Avatar 2 is due out in 2020 with Avatar 3 scheduled for just a year later.
It’s going to be a hell of a long shoot, one would think, but actress Zoe Saldana has already finished her motion capture performance for both movies. James Cameron revealed the news in a video presentation at CineEurope this week, shared courtesy of iO9. Cameron also talked to the outlet recently about filming two movies simultaneously.
“One day I’ll be working on scenes from two, the next day I’ll be working on scenes from three, and the actors come in and go, ‘Oh, we’re working on three today.’”
One would assume Saldana will still have some voice work to do even if she is finished with the actual shoot. We have no idea for sure whether her character will appear in Avatar 4 & 5, both of those movies have finished scripts, but will not go into full production until the success of Avatar 2 and is determined and possibly even the Avatar 3.
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Cameron also spoke about how important it was for his actors to be able to hold their breath as so much of the sequel is set underwater. If nothing else, I expect this film to be visually stunning in 3D, the first Avatar movie was after all. I only hope they have something more resembling a story in the sequels, once you took all the pretty CGI away from Avatar, the bare story felt incredibly weak.
Will you be checking out the Avatar sequels at theaters, will it be the smash success of the original? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Avatar 2 is due to release in cinema’s December 18, 2020.
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