It’s no secret that the original STAR WARS trilogy is about as white as white bread. With the exception of Lando Calrissian, there isn’t really a single person of color on screen (excluding James Earl Jones’ voice, of course). I’m not here to demonize or hate on Lucas for that. Times were different back in the 1970s and 1980s, and what’s done is done. However, with last year’s STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS, Disney and Lucasfilm managed to diversify its cast in both sex and color.
This is a trend they are continuing with ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY, which is another film with a female lead. In addition, the main cast for that film looks to be as racially diverse as could be, consisting of Chinese actor Jian Wheng, Hong Kong actor star Donnie Yen, Mexican actor Diego Luna, and British Muslim actor Riz Ahmed.
Well, it sounds like this increase in diversity, as mentioned by Mashable senior film reporter Jeff Sneider, is set to carry over into the next STAR WARS anthology film. Sneider tweeted the following:
Interesting article. Last I heard, HAN SOLO search for female lead was down to 4 girls… and they weren’t white.
— Jeff Sneider (@TheInSneider) August 10, 2016
Very interesting. Though, this is admittedly not too surprising, if you’re familiar with the recent canon from the comics. Last year, it was revealed via the STAR WARS comic that Han had previously been married to a black woman named Sana Starros.
Could this be the character they are trying to cast for the Han Solo spinoff flick? Will the movie indeed feature Han’s first wife?
That’s up in the air for now. We don’t even know if the buzz Sneider heard is accurate. Plus, keep in mind, I’m making the most basic of assumptions here. It’s very possible for Han to have adventures with a non-white woman who isn’t Sana, but it could make for an interesting tie-in for existing canon if it is.
What do you think? Is it possible that they cast the role of Sana Starros in the HAN SOLO spinoff? Let us know in the comments down below!
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SOURCE: Jeff Sneider