Film franchise reboots are often difficult to make. This is due to the fact that point of views of directors and writers are different and also as time goes by what might have been politically correct or socially acceptable at one point may not be in our present day. About a month ago, one of our favorite group of teenage heroes the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers got a reboot on the big screen. Saban’s Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, from Lionsgate, grossed $40.3 million in its opening weekend with some mixed reviews. But what did some of the former rangers think about the film? caught up with David Yost, who played Bill Cranston the Blue Ranger, and Walter Jones, who played Zach Taylor the Blue Ranger, at C2E2 in Chicago. They both took some time on stage during the convention to talk about some of the things that they would have liked to have seen differently. For Jones, one of his issues was the fighting style of Zach’s new character and how it was different from the original.
“I was a little disappointed that they changed the characters around a little bit because I wanted Zach to be with his kido because Hip Hop Kido was a really important element of who I was on Power Rangers.†Jones said. “I thinkif they would have added that then there could have been some parkour and there could have been so many other elements to that character that it would have been awesome.â€
Yost on the other had had was very critical of the Power Rangers moment when the morphed, which he feels fell short in the movie. “The only thing I care about progression wise when they do a sequel and they morph they better bring it and they better say “It’s Morphin Time,†he said. “When we said, ‘It’s morphing time!,’ it was like, ‘Shit’s about to go down;’ when they said it in the movie it was so lackadaisical I was like, ‘Are you kidding me?’â€
Then later they both agreed that the way the Megazord came together needs to be fixed, audiences should be able to see the zord come together. They also didn’t like the way the Power Rangers were in separate pods in the Megazord instead of one area controlling it together. But even with all these negative comments there were some bright spots. Like the performance of RJ Cyler and the fact that Billy’s character had to deal with Autism.
I have to say that I agree with the former Rangers. I was very unhappy with the presentation of the Rangers morphing as well as the Megazord coming together. Those are moments in every episode that got me excited for what was to come, just as Yost was saying. If they would have put more emphasis on these classic Power Ranger moments, I think that it would have made for a better film. Overall I enjoyed the film, but it had the potential to be a lot better. What are your thoughts on Saban’s Mighty Morphin Power Rangers? What did you like or dislike?
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