The Wizarding World is a popular-ass world. Consisting of both the Harry Potter franchise, these films have garnered billions of dollars worldwide, and that’s not even mentioning the books, the merchandise, the theme parks, and everything else in between. Add in those extra elements, and you’re dealing with a whole lotta cheese.
Needless to say, you cannot make that kind of money if you’re restricted to one country on this globe of ours. The stories you tell need to transcend language, race, sexual orientation, and everything in between. But what are the elements that make a story do those things? Harry Potter and the Wizarding World have undoubtedly done that, and at a roundtable LRM had the opportunity to attend, one reporter asked that very question. Here’s what producer David Heyman had to say about that.
“Well, I think both fans all over the world are, it was amazing, on the eighth Harry Potter, we had the last Harry Potter, there was a premiere in Trafalgar Square and people had come from all over the world. Some had been camping out for a week. And the world that Jo has created and the characters that she has written in that and now this really do resonate when people connect with them. All of her characters in some way are outsiders you know and I think that we all may be happily married, we may be in relationships, put a plus value, we all feel in our own way, alone or like outsiders and she’s really tapped into that. I think there’s a truth about her characters whether you’re English, American, British American, Japanese, Brazilian, wherever you’re straight, you’re gay, man, woman, young, old, she’s connected because she speaks truth. She speaks to all of us, so in terms of fans all over the world they’re voracious. They’re keen and most certainly waiting on the Potters, whenever you made a change to the books, we heard it. But they’re great fans, you know really generous persons and enthusiastic.”
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Whether or not you agree with his assessment as to why these stories are so popular, one can’t deny their impact and reach. Even their lowest grossing film to date managed to break $800 million worldwide, and that was essentially for a brand-new name an I.P., which didn’t rely on the name of Harry Potter in its advertising.
What do you think of Heyman’s comments and what do you think the reason is for the success in this franchise? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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