Will the Avengers: Endgame Re-Release Be Enough To Topple Avatar?

This weekend saw a domestic expansion of over 1,000 screens for Avengers: Endgame complete with six minutes of new footage and features. Many people pegged this as an attempt to beat the all-time worldwide box office record held by Avatar. However, it was also a clever way to help boost interest Spider-Man: Far From Home which hits in 48 hours on July 2nd. No matter what the reasons Disney and Marvel did it, fans really want this film to beat Avatar’s record.

Why? In my opinion, because that film wasn’t good. It may have been enjoyable because of the spectacle, but it really isn’t a good film… It stayed in theaters nearly 250 days, had more 3D screens than 2D, and had its own re-release. As a matter of fact, Endgame already beat Avatar’s original theatrical run. But will it topple the end all be all record? Not likely.

Box Office Mojo is reporting an estimated $5.5 million take for the epic superhero film this weekend giving it a domestic total of $841 million and a worldwide total of nearly $2.75 billion. which is going to be $30 million shy of the Avatar record. Not all hope is lost though, the re-release lasts through the week, and many theaters are bound to keep the movie on a couple of screens for a few more weeks. It’s just going to be hard to make the final push when the film is hitting digitally at home on July 30th and Bluray two weeks later.

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When it’s all said and done more people were happy seeing it once, and everyone saw it in the first two weeks. The “legs” of this movie weren’t the strongest of all MCU films, but let’s face it this movie is exhausting. In some good ways and in some not so good ways (bathroom breaks anybody?) and that played into the fewer repeat viewings needed to reach these high box office numbers. Additionally, this movie had nowhere near the 3D showings Avatar had and that is an important factor, just as is the amount of time spent in theaters. When Endgame hits home video it will have been in theaters only 95 days compared to 238 for Avatar.

Times are changing, consumption is changing, and Avatar looks like it will hold onto its record forever. Maybe Disney can rent a few theaters across the country and by itself to the record! Or a lottery winner can buy out every screening in his state. Or we could all go see it one… more… time…

Have you seen the re-release? Will you? Let us know in the comments below!

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Source: Box Office Mojo

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