Falcon And The Winter Soldier Is Not On August Disney+ Schedule To No One’s Surprise

As said in title, this will come as no surprise to anyone. Falcon and The Winter Soldier is not on August Disney+ schedule. The reason this is no surprise is because we are currently on July 17th, and we know Falcon and The Winter Soldier hasn’t even resumed production yet. The Disney+ show was delayed due to Coronavirus.  Yet, weirdly Disney have never officially cancelled the original August release date. Well, I think we can call it officially delayed now.

The folks over at Laughingplace.com have gotten a look at Disney’s August schedule for Disney+. Guess what, no Falcon and The Winter Soldier. We currently have no solid date for when we should expect to see Falcon and The Winter Soldier. Best guesses are that the show could still appear later in the year. I personally think around November time. That means that WandaVision would not hit Disney+ until at least December, again that’s a guess.

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Falcon and The Winter Soldier is not on August Disney+ schedules

We don’t not fully know what the plots of these first two MCU Disney+ shows will be. However, it seems like Falcon and The Winter Soldier has to be released before WandaVision. There seems to be no talks of WandaVision skipping ahead of Falcon and The Winter Soldier in the release schedule either. However, WandaVision we know has actually finished filming already. I cannot see Disney providing an official air date for F&TWS until filming is completed. Far as we know the filming on this show is due to begin again soon. However, we have been hearing that for a few weeks now? Ultimately, I think we are just going to have to wait and see when the MCU finally arrives properly on Disney+.

What do you think of the obvious report that Falcon and The Winter Soldier is not on August Disney+ schedule? Leave your thoughts below as always.

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SOURCE: Laughingplace.com

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