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Fantastic Four Costume Designer Points To Period Piece! Are We Getting The 60’s?

Paul Walter Hauser has been cast in an unknown role for Fantastic Four, plus we have some Mole Man rumors to ponder over also.

The newly hired Fantastic Four costume designer could point to the movie being a period piece. Are Marvel going to set the movie in the 60’s or 70’s after all? As you can see from the social media post below, it’s being reported all over that Melissa Vargas has landed the gig for the upcoming Fantastic Four.

However, what many fans have quickly cottoned on to so far is that the two movies listed above for Vargas are period pieces. Both of these movies were set in the 1980’s. If I’m honest I feel kinda offended those are considered period pieces, since I grew up in that decade, but, that’s just me being old and grumpy. The 1980’s is absolutely now a period piece, I just don’t like it.

It has to be said that this is purely speculation folks. Just because Vargas worked on two movies set in the 1980’s does not pigeon hole her into only being a period costume designer. However, what it does do, is point to a reason why someone might want those skills on their movie.

Why the 1960’s?

I guess the question is, where do the 1960’s rumors even come from?

For me, I go back tto the purchase of Fox by Disney. At that point, whilst not ever announced we knew we’d begetting an MCU Fantastic Four movie. At the time I said in an article I wanted Fantastic Four to be a period piece set in the 1960’s. Though, in my idea, that was only the beginning of the movie, and the family ended up being out of time in the present day and stuck there. In my pitch, Sue was the lead of the movie and it focused on how liberating it was for her to come into the present day, and how it changed her and her family unit.

Now, I’m not saying Disney copied me, but they totally did. No, in all seriousness there was no talk at all back then. Purely fan speculation and nothing else which is all I was doing. However, when  things began to come together for this movie eventually, I did start hearing some rumors the film might be set in the 1960’s. I can’t speak to the veracity of those rumors, and they were also prior to director Matt Shakman joining up. Therefore, we don’t even know whether this is a legit rumor or just an idea that was floated around early doors.

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I just thought it would be cool for it to be the 60’s as that’s when the cultural revolution began. However, Marvel could go to the 70’s, 80’s or anywhere else they wanted. It also gives a good reason for why the FF were not around so far in the MCU. I had them disappear in the 60’s and be thought dead, only to show up in the modern day where no time for them had passed.

Please remember though, just because fans are speculating about this, it’s hardly a smoking gun. Vargas was chosen based on her previous work, we know this because that’s how the industry works. However, this is pure speculation by fans that this could mean Fantastic Four is a period piece. I damn well hope it is, because it’s fresh and an interesting story. Disney, if you’re having any bother with the script hit me up. I got a whole movie in my head. However, the reality is, we don’t know anything outside of Vargas getting the gig. If I hear any other Barside Buzz around a period piece I’ll let you know.

So what do you think? The Fantastic Four costume designer could point to the movie being a period piece. But not definite. Are we getting the 60’s setting that I (and I’m sure some other fans) wanted? Thoughts below as always.

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