Sometimes our desire to know more information about a character is at odds with a filmmaker’s desire to tell a good story. Far too often, fans get caught up in knowing the “why,” rather than the “how” of a story, and when filmmakers become too involved in executing the “what” as a result, you end up with stuff like the prequel trilogy. While the prequel trilogy has its strengths, its biggest shortcoming its its desire to answer questions, point-by-point, rather than stand on its own as an amazing story.
This is something that could also potentially apply to the supposed villain of this new Star Wars trilogy, Supreme Leader Snoke. Despite the fact the he has maybe five minutes of screentime in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, fans have spent countless hours speculating his identity and place in the story. With that in mind, there are sure to be fans who will look to Star Wars: The Last Jedi in hopes of seeing their questions answered about Snoke.
Well, don’t hold your breath. Speaking with EW, The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson all but stated that Snoke’s history will still be a bit of a mystery by the end of the film.
“Similar to Rey’s parentage, Snoke is here to serve a function in the story. And a story is not a Wikipedia page. For example, in the original trilogy, we didn’t know anything about the Emperor except what Luke knew about him, that he’s the evil guy behind Vader. Then in the prequels, you knew everything about Palpatine because his rise to power was the story. We’ll learn exactly as much about Snoke as we need to.”
If this has you concerned that we’ll see pretty much nothing of Snoke, don’t worry.
“We will see more of him,” Johnson clarified. “And Andy Serkis will get to do much more in this film than he did in the last one. And that guy is just a force of nature.”
We can’t wait to see.
What do you think? Are you happy that they’ll still keep an air of mystery around Snoke, or do you just want them to reveal all the mythology already? Let us know your thoughts down below!
Star Wars: The Last Jedi hits theaters on December 15, 2017.
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