Pixar Animation Studios announced its first-ever VR experience this morning at Oculus Connect, the fourth annual developer conference in San Jose, Calif. Directed by Ross Haldane Stevenson and produced by Academy Award-winner Marc Sondheimer, “Coco VR” is a co-production from Disney and Pixar and Oculus with VR creative development and execution by Magnopus. Supervising technical director John Halstead spearheaded the technical efforts for Pixar.
RELATED: 10 Things We Learned About Coco From Our Visit To Pixar
“Coco VR” allows people to explore the worlds of Coco with their friends. The next-level social VR Experience will be available on Oculus Rift November 15 and Samsung Gear VR November 22, the day of the film’s U.S. release. The experience will be available for a sneak peek at the following events and locations:
- Día de los Muertos festivals in Los Angeles, New York City, Houston, Phoenix, Dallas, San Antonio, Oakland and Chicago beginning Oct. 28
- Camp Flog Gnaw Music Festival in Los Angeles on Oct. 28-29
- Select Disney Stores and movie theaters nationwide through Nov. 22.
Coco hits theaters on November 22, 2017!
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SOURCE: Disney