Ready Player One May Be Drastically Different From The Novel In This Concerning Way

Those who have read Ready Player One know that the majority of the story takes place in the OASIS, the virtual reality world that our hero escapes into. Sure, every now and then, we hop into the real world for some much-needed real-world stakes, but by and large, a lot takes place in the digital space.

It also certainly helps that most folks have rigs set up in-home. After all, the last thing you want is to be running around the real world with your visor on, right? Well, that’s what common sense would dictate, and yet, it seems like the film may break out of that into some strange territory.

In a scene from the film, the leading female Art3mis (aka Samantha, played by Olivia Cooked), while in the real world, seems to come across a bunch of people out in the real world with visors on. Here’s what Cooke had to say about the scene:

“My character has stumbled on to the street where she’s seeing all of these people in their work clothes, all ages, all ethnicities who are getting together and locked in their visors. They’re having a huge war, this rampage.”

The shot shown ends up looking like some weird dance routine in the streets, based on teh photo, which you can check out HERE (it’s the fourth one down from the top).

Umm…that’s not exactly the smartest thing to go about utilizing your visors…Additionally, this scene seems to be going for an incredibly preachy message that paints video games in a bit of a negative light as an all-consuming thing that will keep us from enjoying real life. While I get the message, it does seem like a lazy crutch to lean on, especially when it has nothing to do with the original message of the book.

How do you feel about this seemingly nonsensical change from the book? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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