Get Out Director Jordan Peele Interested In Making A Sequel

Last year, actor Jordan Peele threw his hat in the directorial ring with the low budget horror film Get Out. In addition to being a great, entertaining horror film, it was one that made real social commentary that is fitting of the world we live in.

RELATED – Get Out Director Jordan Peele Is Done With Acting

But what’s next for Peele? The man has essentially quit acting, and from what we’ve heard, is interested in delving into his own original ideas, but that doesn’t mean he’s completely done with Get Out just yet. In an interview with THR, Peele stated he would “seriously consider” making a sequel.

“There is more story to tell. I don’t know what it is now, but there are some loose ends that feel like they want to be tied up. I’ll throw that out there. But I would never want to do a sequel that just feels like a sake for a sequel…I would have to have a story that I feel like would take it up a notch.”

Certainly sounds legit…but is there more that fans would want to see? I guess I’m in the minority on this one, but I like the fact that the main character of the film was allowed a happy ending, and the last thing I’d want is another film that would take that away from him.

But we’ll have to wait and see on that front. What do you think? Do you think Get Out should get a sequel? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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