No, this isn’t an accidental reprint of last week’s trailer post. Netflix has actually posted another trailer for the upcoming season of Jessica Jones. However, like the recent trailer for Love Season 3, it isn’t a trailer that fully teases Season 2 on its own. Rather, it’s a trailer that teases the series as a whole.
As a result, this new trailer consists of both Season 1 and Season 2 footage. Fans of Jessica Jones will, as a result, likely be a bit disappointed by what this trailer has to offer, but it makes sense that Netflix would use a new season as a way to leverage the show as a whole and entice new viewers. This trailer will likely accomplish that very task.
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Of course, that’s not to say there is no new footage here. The trailer opens with a riveting anger management scene, where Jessica lists off all the horrible things that have happened to her, and it all culminates in a great punchline (the only downside I can see here is that I don’t like the way she throws the ball…but that’s nitpicky).
Netflix also released a new banner for the show. Check it out below:
Below is the series synopsis for Jessica Jones:
“Jessica Jones is a hard-drinking, short-fuse, mess of a woman who is just trying to make a living as a Private Investigator in New York City. She’s super strong but is haunted by a dark past that keeps her from truly becoming a hero.”
What do you think of the new banner and teaser? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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SOURCE: Netflix