There’s a lot of buzz surrounding Robert Rodriguez lately. His El Rey Network launched last year, and his TV series reboot of From Dusk Till Dawn is set to be its flagship show. Also, being true to his word- he’s locked up some high profile directors to handle episodes of the series. Did you check out who was just announced for one of them? But that’s not to say that the series and the network are all that’s on the writer-director-producer-editor-composer-studio chief’s plate. What about Sin City? The 2005 film was a hit, and fans have been eager to see what he and Frank Miller have in mind for sequels. During a radio interview, Rodriguez tackled those questions.
On Sin City: A Dame To Kill For & Sin City 3:
“Yeah—the second Sin City– I was just here with Frank Miller last night and we were watching it last night. [We] finished the cut, effects are being done, it will come out in August. He [Miller] watched Part 2—he watched it last night with me and then at the end he said, he didn’t have any comments. He was very happy with it. And he said, ‘now about part three…. ‘ Started telling me how he’s going to do part three. So he’s already there on part three.“
When the topic of his From Dusk Till Dawn series, Rodriguez opened up about the importance of expanding that universe. Where as the films all had a finite amount of time to reach a destination, this time around he had to figure out how to blow the walls off of it and expand it all so that the show has its own legs, and has its own exciting new places to go. He also addresses its connections to the films, namely the first one:
“The first couple of episodes are going to have some real signposts to the original film. Â Yet different things will happen to the same characters, new characters will come in and then it all starts going somewhere else. We had to almost re-tell the story in a different way to build up for the next seasons, and re-lay the foundation for a much bigger tale. Â So part of it was taking some of the hallmarks of the original, and then adding a bunch of things to it.“
I wonder if one of those “signposts” to the original film will be D.J. Cotrona doing his best George Clooney impression? I really couldn’t get over the fact that the actor was literally aping the Oscar-winner’s line-readings in a few scenes shown in the trailer for the series. But that’s just the actor in me nit-picking, I suppose.
In any event, From Dusk Till Dawn arrives on El Rey on March 11, and Sin City 2 is set for an August 22 premiere.
SOURCE: The Interro Bang