I know many stopped watching Arrow a couple seasons back, but for some reason, it has my heart. Not sure if it’s because it got the ball rolling for other DC TV adaptions, or that Season 2 was really that well done, but I have stuck by it through the good (aforementioned Season 2) and the bad (definitely Season 4). This season marks number eight for the series which will also be its last. We have already heard of the return of Yao Fei who was Oliver’s mentor while on Lian Yu in Season 1 as well as the father of Oliver’s beloved Shado. So while the final season looks to be bringing the show around full circle, TVLine has reported the return of another character who was not only critical to Team Arrow, but the Queen family as well:
“The character that Arrow fans most hoped would put in an appearance during the final season — Oliver’s sister, played by former series regular Willa Holland — will indeed be seen again, TVLine has learned. But wait, there’s more: Holland is confirmed to not just guest-star but recur during the CW series’ 10-episode farewell run.”
“‘We are thrilled to have Willa back in our final season,’ says showrunner Beth Schwartz.”
“An original cast member, Holland began dialing back her Arrow appearance in Season 5 (to 14 of 23 episodes), before parting ways with the series in the 16th episode of Season 6. As that exit storyline went, Thea, with longtime love Roy Harper in tow, left Star City to trot the globe and shut down some recently unearthed Lazarus Pits.”
Speedy will be back! And as stated above, the last we saw Thea she was riding off into the night with Roy looking to find a way to control the blood-lust that would consume her due to the Lazarus Pits. Last season we saw the return of Roy with the flash-forward scenes, so just as we look to be getting the culmination of the character that is Oliver Queen, how could that happen without his last surviving family member, who he has always been close to, Thea.
RELATED: Arrow’s Second Episode Will See A Returning Familiar Face
I’m excited Thea will be back. She and Ollie have had a tumultuous relationship at times, but loved each other regardless of their differences and extreme experiences they encountered. What do you think? Will you be coming back for the final season of Arrow? Are you glad Willa Holland will be back as Thea? What role do you think she will play? Leave your thoughts in the usual spot, and thanks for reading!
Arrow returns Tuesday, October 15 at 9/8c on The CW.
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Source: TVLine